Monday, January 9, 2012

Melaleuca...Should you believe or leave?? Let's find out together =)

Yes, I made the plunge. I became a Melaleuca Preferred Customer.

A what? A Melaleuca Preferred Customer. "What's that?"

Definition of being a Preferred Customer here ~

Why'd you do that? Well, the products DO seem pretty amazing and pretty good prices too!

So the point? I'm going to go through and review all of their products as I get them each month. I'll post pictures, maybe some videos and in the end we'll come to a conclusion of whether or not Melaleuca is worth it. This blog is going to be EVERYTHING Melaleuca. I'll figure out the best prices the most points per $$ spent and so on. Let's either believe in or leave Melaleuca together. You in?

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